It’s time we got serious about our men.
According to US data, North American church attendance comes in at 61% women versus 39% men. We’re not sure if those trends are the same in the Philippines, but men’s ministries here don’t typically do as well as women’s ministries!
Some say this is because men find the church too feminized in its décor and tone.

Others say its because the church lacks outlets for male activities, like hiking, hunting and adventure.
Still others say it’s because men are naturally proud and self-reliant; they don’t want gospel humility and submission.
The big question therefore is this: how do we engage our men who might feel disinterested in strong, Biblical manhood?
We believe in raising and building men “until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).
So this year, we’re introducing a brand new Men of the Word series, with a new format and time slot. It’s called Men of the Word: the Faithful, the Dark and the Courageous – a Bible-based, expositional character series on both famous and little-known men who were faithful, flawed, and fiery for the Lord.

This series will enable us to discuss men’s issues – from leadership, courage, and faithfulness to anger, failure, and lust – through the lives of different OT and NT men, and point us to Jesus Christ as the ultimate man and Savior.
We encourage you to join us every third Friday of the month, 7-10pm. The venue will be announced a week or so before the next gathering. For more information or to register for the next Men of the Word, contact us at +63927 794 6800 (SMS only).